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Put yourself first!!


My Mission

The mission of  B-Fit Wellness ​ ​​​is to help you achieve fitness and nutrition goals geared to your lifestyle,

help you find the best nutrition program that works for you

and learn coping skills to help stick to your goals today and tomorrow.



Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving and also took advantage of the nice weather and got outside for a turkey trot , jog or brisk walk! 

For Black Friday and small business Saturday I am offering a free session when you buy 6 , gift certificates available also!  Use the contact form at bottom of page to reach me if interested!


Wow looks like 10 days since last entry! Hamstring surgery update, off crutches and brace as of 11/5! Met with surgeon for 6 wk check up, all going good allowed to start eliptical easy with no incline ! My exercise students are awesome , they are doing all my PT exercises with me!  Still taking collagen 2 to 3x a day to help recovery! 


As you can tell from the order of my entries I am still learning how to do this blog thing!

Back to sleep supplements, some people do better with just calming the mind and the body! Magnesium is very helpful to many, it’s great for nerve pain , muscle pain and calming the mind . Calcium is also calming so make sure you are getting enough in your diet or add a supplement.  Homeopathic remedies also can be helpful, lots of great formulas like rescue remedy, sleepcalm and stress calm !  Relaxing teas are always good to try! Good luck ! 


Real tired of crutches, hopefully only 10 more days?? Up to 20 minutes on rowing with arms on airdyne bike, doing all my PT exercises! Worked on a new high protein pumpkin bread recipe , will share soon! 

Tip today: Eat 2 Brazil nuts a day! I recommend this to my clients because they are full of selenium which help keep our thyroid functioning properly! They are also offer protein, B-6, niacin, magnesium and zinc! 2 nuts are 66 calories, 1 G protein,7 G fat, 1 G carb 


4 weeks post-op, PT said my hamstring feels great ! Adjusted crutches so I can start putting some weight on my leg, rode the bike for 10 minutes and tomorrow get to walk on Alter-G at 30% bodyweight! Woohoo hopefully not much longer on crutches, takes so long to do everything on crutches!  Tomorrow’s subject sleep!


Writing this blog is tough for me, I have a lot to say but have a tough time putting it into words! 

I mentioned sleep in my last blog , not sleeping is the number one complaint I get from customers.   Unfortunately their isn’t a one fits all solution , everyone is different and what may help one person will not work for another.   A few easy solutions that might work is drinking more water and adding some electrolytes.  Dehydration is one of the biggest causes of insomnia.    Limit alcohol close to bed and what kind of alcohol can make a difference, pay attention to how you sleep after an evening drink and adjust accordingly!  

 Next blog I’ll talk about supplements that can help sleep!

Walked on Alter-G at 45% bodyweight, slow, again today , hopefully off crutches y end of week!

So sleep supplements, number one is melatonin! But it does not work for everyone and there is lots of controversy on how much is needed, some studies say minimal like .3 is best dose and others think the higher dose the better.   Again everyone is different so it really is a trial system to see what works for you ! More tomorrow!


It’s been a few days , I have been working on the recipe section, so stay tuned!

Rehab going good , PT has added more exercises so making progress but very tired of the crutches!

Keeping my protein up , very important for recovery , 20% more protein a day!  And remember if you are trying to lose weight, protein is harder to digest so you burn more calories eating it!


Big day yesterday, 2nd time driving since surgery! Was so excited to see some of my clients, did some measurements and instructed some Step & Sculpt, then off to PT.  Jared Buzzell is my PT at MainE Health if you are looking for a great PT.  He adjusted my brace so I can bend knee a little more, cleared to do arms on airdyne bike, planks on knees and some quad contractions!! 

I just made some Pumpkin Brownies for my XC athletes, JV meet tomorrow.  Going to set up recipe section soon on this page!

Tip today : make sure you are taking vitamin C , not just for immune health but for collagen absorption!


Missed yesterday, I watched the Boston Marathon from 7:30 - 1:30! Lots of emotions watching friends finish and reliving my 5 Boston runs! Sure hope I can run again some day! Worked on some client files , Then a big Sox win last night!   All the Boston feels inspired me to add some picks to the webpage, my first Boston 2012 which was 87 degrees and a more recent 5k in Providence in May of this year!

Today’s tip is if you are hungry at night , best to have some protein to preserve muscle and will help curb hunger next day!  Cottage cheese, hard boiled egg or if you need sweet a tasty protein shake or bar! 

Beautiful day in Maine today , going to rest a bit on the deck! 



Long day watching sports! Chicago Marathon, football, baseball now back to football! Doing the rest orders like it’s my job!

Yesterday I told you I’d tell you what collagen you should use, so here goes!

I recommend a 5 collagen blend to get the most benefits, 1, 11, 111, V, X .   1 & 111 are best for hair and nail growth, 11 best for joints,  V gets into the wrinkly skin areas better and X for joint comfort .

Two brands I like are Healthy Living Proteins and Ancient Nutrition, both mix well in my morning coffee with no taste and both are available at Lois’ Natural Marketplace, Scarborough, MainE . If you are not in the Portland, ME area please try to support your local health food store! 

Right now I am doubling up my dosage to help my recovery ! 

Our Blog


Tired today ! All this healing is making me tired! Plus today is a tough day to get motivated, my nephew would have been 18 today. For those you don’t know he died in a lawn mower accident 

May of 2020. Still heartbreaking and so hard to understand why and feel so helpless to my sister.

Advice of the day: our bodies are made up of 30 to 40% collagen protein as we age our joints, ligaments, skin, hair & nails could use a boost in collagen.  I add mine to my coffee every morning and while recovering I am taking a pill form in the afternoon also! Tomorrow I’ll go over the types of collagen available!

An ongoing series of informational entries

Our Second Blog Entry

October 8, 2021

The picture today was brunch! A leftover slice of thin crust pizza with egg and avocado on top! Was yummy , pizza can be part of a healthy diet! Thin crust better , thick crust ok if exercising a lot! But overall if you eat white and fluffy you will be white & fluffy!

Many have asked about how my hamstring avulsion occurred , so here goes ! July 4th headed up to Bridgton to run 4 on the fourth, it was raining but not cold.  I did not feel great, no sleep back was real tight but I have had those issues before and had good races!

So I but on my racing shirt , race did not go well from the get go and the last 1/2 mile I picked it up to about 6:20 pace and all of a sudden I had a big jab in my right glute and could hardly make it to the finish! Went home did all kinds of recovery took some anti-inflammatories got some relief !, enough that I could teach all my classes but running was real slow.  Went to PT, not better, had ultrasound, Dr. thought was just a calcification at ischial tuberosity so had prolotherapy, still not better and pain in hip and down quad now! Finally an MRI 9/16 which should the avulsion , a full tear of the hamstring.

Dr. Called that day , appt with Surgeon 2 days later and surgery a week later. It needed to be done ASAP since it happened 7/4. Surgery was a success, Dr used 3 anchors to reattach to by butt, now it’s lots of rest to heal properly! And as many of you know, not one of my best qualities. But let’s see how this blog goes! 

Our First Blog Entry

October 7, 2021

Sitting here a week after a full hamstring tear repair surgery thinking it would be a good time to add a blog to my webpage! I will share the brutal recovery, REST!, not a big fan of rest so that’s why it is brutal for me, recipes, nutrition tips, supplement facts and exercise information! Send me a message if there is anything special you want me to blog about!


Upcoming Shows

SAT 10/10

9:30 Club - Washington D.C.

w/ The Justin Trio

FRI 11/20

Radio City Music Hall - NYC

w/ The Justin Trio

Fri 01/01

The Filmore - San Francisco

w/ The Justin Trio

Our Recent Work

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Start now. You can achieve your goals. I will help you!

It's going to be work. It's going to be hard, but together we can do it! You can B-Fit!

B-Fit Accountability Coaching

Accountability is the key to achieving one's life goals. I work with people of all ages (locally and long distance) to establish attainable goals and take a 360 degree approach: physical training, nutrition, supplements and reframing lifestyle choices. I get to know you well in order to understand your concerns and what motivates you. I will help you with specific challenges like eating out, helping you enjoy being social without overeating. We work on goals and comprehensive strategies to achieve those goals through compassionate accountability!  B-fit classes are small groups and easy to follow!

B-Fit Supplement Consultation​

Many of my clients have been successful in attaining personal goals but are looking for help in understanding the role that vitamins and supplements can play in their lives. Whether you are hoping to lose weight, run your first 5K, improve your athletic performance, fight aging or maximize your overall health and wellness, I can design a plan that will help you reach your goals. Technology makes it easy for me to work with you whether you're in Maine or beyond. 

B-Fit Protein Cookies

I love to eat so I created a line of baked items that are nutritious, satisfying and full of protein but also have the feel and taste of comfort food. GF options are available too! B-Fit Cookies are available at Lois' Natural Marketplace in Scarborough and Portland or from me directly. My B-Fit products can be shipped and freeze great! I use the best ingredients to offer a healthy option for power snacking or meal replacement. B-Fit baked items are a useful tool in meeting your personal health goals.

B-Fit Running programs

Whether you are just starting to run or want to improve your race times, a running or run/walk plan designed just for you will help you succeed! I have improved my marathon time by an hour, have run Boston four times and run personal bests as a senior runner. I have coached runners of all ages and levels and will set you up for success!

The Power of B-Fit!

"I've read every tip, article and tried every scheme, diet, program. I've been active but conquering overeating has been my problem. Denise has kept me accountable. She has worked to understand my obstacles and helped me develop coping skills. I've lost over 50 pounds, learned to love exercise (not just tolerate it) and maintained a social life with a healthy approach to food. I'm even learning to love jogging!! Thanks Denise!!"  JB, current client

"My goal was to improve my marathon time and to achieve a better health profile. I am busy with young kids and a job. I live in Vermont but met Denise through a running friend. She gave me an actionable and affordable plan that fit my life. She also helped me sort out the right plan for supplements for both performance and overall health as I age." SH, past client.


B-Fit Recipes 

Pumpkin Brownies

1/2 c butter.                      

6oz semisweet or bittersweet chocolate chips

1 cup AP flour 

1/2 c almond flour 

1/2 c spelt flour

2 scoops chocolate whey or vegan protein

1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp salt

1 cup coconut sugar 

4 eggs 

1 can pumpkin

1/4 c veg oil or coconut oil

1 Tbsp ground chia flax blend ( optional)

1tsp cinnamon 1 tsp pumpkin pie spice

Preheat oven 350 use 9x9 pan spray with non-stick oil

Melt butter & chocolate o low heat , stirring until smooth 

Mix sugar & eggs, add flours , BP, salt , do not over mix

Add pumpkin, oil, spices then chocolate mixture 

Bake approx 35 - 40 minutes, enjoy !

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